Hello, everyone!
I was encountered with weird problem. I have the following search:
| tstats `summariesonly` count by source, host, index, sourcetype | table source, host, index, sourcetype | stats values(host) as src_host dc(host) as count by source, index | sort + count
| mvexpand src_host
| outputlookup sourcescheck
Long story short, i got the error:
warn : command.mvexpand: output will be truncated at 5200 results due to excessive memory usage. Memory threshold of 500MB as configured in limits.conf / [mvexpand] / max_mem_usage_mb has been reached.
and my truncated sourcescheck.csv, which size was less then 1Mb (sic!)
Ok, we can see in docs (https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.3.1/SearchReference/Mvexpand):
The total necessary memory is the average result size multiplied by the number of results in the chunk multiplied by the average size of the multivalue field being expanded.
My question: is it the practical reality that for processing less that 1Mb of data with mvexpand command we need more than half of 1Gb of memory? Are there some workarounds or optimized approaches?
Thank you for any answers!
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