Using the Universal Forwarder I need to monitor a folder, so I am editing the inputs.conf file.
However, in Windows XP / Windows 2003 the folder is located in :
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
In Windows 7 and later it is located in C:\ProgramData
I have tried to use the Windows environment variable %AllUsersProfile% but in the splunkd log filer I get an error:
TailingProcessor - Parsing configuration stanza: monitor://%allusersprofile%\Application Data\myfolder.
TailingProcessor - Input stanza path, '%allusersprofile%\Application Data\myfolder\' is not absolute. This is a configuration error and may not work / break things. Change this path to an absolute path.
So how can I use an environment variable or change the config so that it works on bother older and newer Windows OS?
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