Hello, I'm trying to extract two types of data from IIS logs to sum up the login counts for a list of specific users.
The IIS logs contain two entries I'm curious about specifically. If I run this search query, I get the data I'm looking for:
index=myindex host=NAMEOFSERVER "POST" "https://url.test.com/adfs/ls/" "/default.aspx" "OAuth+MSAuthHost"
AND ("DOMAIN\\User1" OR "DOMAIN\\User2") | chart count by cs_username limit=0
This will return a chart, showing the amount of times those 2 users logged via mobile for a specific time period. Now, I have another search query that gives me data I'm looking for.
index=myindex host=NAMEOFSERVER "POST" "https://url.test.com/adfs/ls/" "/default.aspx" NOT "OAuth+MSAuthHost"
AND ("DOMAIN\\User1" OR "DOMAIN\\User2") | chart count by cs_username limit=0
This will return the amount of times those 2 users logged in NOT using mobile.
What I'm trying to do is combine these two results on to one report, showing a bar chart for User1 and User2 comparing how many times they logged in via mobile (first query) and how many times they didn't (second query).
I've tried appendcol, join, just haven't had any luck combining these two datasets. Is it possible?
Thank you!
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