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- Posted Re: Time/count mapping in visualization chart different from statistics/table below on Dashboards & Visualizations. 09-04-2019 08:32 PM
- Posted Time/count mapping in visualization chart different from statistics/table below on Dashboards & Visualizations. 09-01-2019 04:16 PM
- Tagged Time/count mapping in visualization chart different from statistics/table below on Dashboards & Visualizations. 09-01-2019 04:16 PM
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08:32 PM
Hi @poete, under my username->preferences, timezone was set to default. After changing this to my timezone and indexing data again, this issue got resolved. Thank you very much! Though the issue is resolved, am not still clear why data representation in the chart and table below were different, if both showed a different timestamp than what was there in the data indexed, I could understand.
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04:16 PM
I indexed data from a csv file and then tried to plot data for count of events every 2 minutes. I get correct results in the statistics table, but when I see the chart in visualization, the count of events get reflected for time that is > 7 hrs from what is in the table below or statistics table. Any idea why data in statistics table not match with the visualization chart? Thanks.
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- Tags:
- splunk-enterprise