Hoping someone on here has some insight into this problem I am facing currently.
I have a few inputs running using a HIVE DB connection. The inputs themselves are working, however I sometimes notice missing fields (columns) from the results as well as orderbylist_b4dbf9fd.SCHEMA_NAME_TABLE_NAME pre-pended to the results in the index. So instead of field_Blah="123" I see orderbylist_b4dbf9fd.SCHEMA_NAME_TABLE_NAMEfield_Blah="123" in the results.
This isn't a singular issue, it affects multiple HIVE inputs however not all of them. Strangely enough this issue started happening in early August, before then the results were normal.
I've attempted re-creating the input to no avail (however, the missing fields started to populate again).
Any help is very much appreciated.
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