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- Karma How does aggregate command (like count, max, avg) in search for ITSI KPI? for htramtran83. 06-05-2020 12:50 AM
- Posted Re: How does aggregate command (like count, max, avg) in search for ITSI KPI? on Splunk ITSI. 08-20-2019 12:34 PM
- Posted Re: How does aggregate command (like count, max, avg) in search for ITSI KPI? on Splunk ITSI. 08-20-2019 10:07 AM
- Posted Re: How does aggregate command (like count, max, avg) in search for ITSI KPI? on Splunk ITSI. 08-20-2019 09:11 AM
- Posted Re: How does aggregate command (like count, max, avg) in search for ITSI KPI? on Splunk ITSI. 08-20-2019 08:44 AM
- Posted Re: How does aggregate command (like count, max, avg) in search for ITSI KPI? on Splunk ITSI. 08-20-2019 07:37 AM
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12:34 PM
Thank you for helping me figure out.
I just don't agree with round: I believe the correct I use is
| eval skip_ratio = round((skipped_exec / total_exec)*100 , 2)
and I also try with eventstats and split by host field inside, took out the last line about
| stats latest(skip_ratio) AS alert_value by host
and let ITSI do it (as you said)
index=_internal sourcetype=scheduler (status="completed" OR status="skipped" OR status="deferred")
| eval window_time = if(isnotnull(window_time), window_time, 0)
| eval execution_latency = max(dispatch_time - (scheduled_time + window_time), 0)
| eventstats avg(execution_latency) AS avg_exec_latency
count(eval(status=="skipped")) AS skipped_exec , count(eval(status=="completed" OR status=="skipped")) AS total_exec
| eval skip_ratio = round((skipped_exec / total_exec)*100,2)
| eval avg_exec_latency = round(avg_exec_latency, 2)
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10:07 AM
| stats latest(skip_ratio) AS alert_value by host
| presort 0 auto(serviceid) auto(is_entity_in_maintenance)*
these two lines I will fix and delete
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09:11 AM
like the long query back end: (Sorry it is long)
index=_internal sourcetype=scheduler
| eval window_time = if(isnotnull(window_time), window_time, 0)
| eval execution_latency = max(dispatch_time - (scheduled_time + window_time), 0)
| timechart avg(execution_latency) AS avg_exec_latency, count(eval(status=="completed" OR status=="skipped")) AS total_exec, count(eval(status=="skipped")) AS skipped_exec
| eval skip_ratio = round(skipped_exec / total_exec * 100, 2)
| eval avg_exec_latency = round(avg_exec_latency, 2)
| stats latest(skip_ratio) AS alert_value by host
| addinfo
| eval info_max_time=if(info_max_time="+Infinity",now() + 315569260,info_max_time)
| eval _time=info_max_time
| fields - info_min_time info_max_time info_search_time info_sid
| eval sec_grp = "default_itsi_security_group"
| lookup itsi_entities identifier.values as host, sec_grp as sec_grp OUTPUT title as entity_title, _key as entity_key, services._key as serviceid, sec_grp as entity_sec_grp
| eval maintenance_object_type = "entity", maintenance_object_key = entity_key
| lookup operative_maintenance_log maintenance_object_type, maintenance_object_key OUTPUT _key as maintenance_log_key
| eval in_maintenance = if(IsNull(maintenance_log_key), 0, 1)
| fields - maintenance_object_key, maintenance_object_type, maintenance_log_key
| eval is_entity_defined=if(isnull(entity_key), "0", "1"), entity_key=if(isnull(entity_key), "N/A", entity_key), entity_title=coalesce(entity_title,'host'), is_service_aggregate="0", is_entity_in_maintenance = in_maintenance
| fields - host, in_maintenance, entity_sec_grp
| eval serviceid = "a3b8a294-60e8-4517-9311-b89040cfa8bb"
| appendpipe
[ stats max(alert_value) AS alert_value by serviceid, is_entity_in_maintenance
| presort 0 auto(serviceid) auto(is_entity_in_maintenance)
| sort 0 serviceid is_entity_in_maintenance
| dedup consecutive=t serviceid
| eval is_all_entities_in_maintenance=is_entity_in_maintenance, is_service_aggregate="1", is_entity_defined="0", entity_key="service_aggregate", entity_title="service_aggregate"]
| addinfo
| eval info_max_time=if(info_max_time="+Infinity",now() + 315569260,info_max_time)
| eval _time=info_max_time
| fields - info_min_time info_max_time info_search_time info_sid
| eval maintenance_service_id = "a3b8a294-60e8-4517-9311-b89040cfa8bb"
| eval maintenance_object_type = "service", maintenance_object_key = maintenance_service_id
| lookup operative_maintenance_log maintenance_object_type, maintenance_object_key OUTPUT _key as maintenance_log_key
| eval in_maintenance = if(IsNull(maintenance_log_key), 0, 1)
| fields - maintenance_object_key, maintenance_object_type, maintenance_log_key
| eval is_service_in_maintenance = in_maintenance
| fields - in_maintenance, maintenance_service_id
| setseverityfields serviceid="a3b8a294-60e8-4517-9311-b89040cfa8bb", kpiid="8209f5d9ed8cd590a79e7174" handle_no_data=true generate_max_severity_event=true fill_data_gaps=true
| fields - is_all_entities_in_maintenance
| eval kpi="Skipped 2", urgency="5", alert_period="5", serviceid="a3b8a294-60e8-4517-9311-b89040cfa8bb"
| eval urgency = if (is_service_in_maintenance == 1, 0, urgency)
There are two lines that I bold need to fix. After I fix them, How can I bring it back to ITSI? I am confused
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08:44 AM
I find out the macro that doesn't work inside the query. After I update, how can I fix back to the query?. I cannot copy and past back to "General Search"
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07:37 AM
anyone have thought. Can we replace timechart with any command? with Timechart, it doesn't work when place in ITSI
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