I wound up doing the following - this allows multiple hosts:
index=perfjava ((sourcetype="Perfmon:CPULoad" instance=_Total) OR (sourcetype="Perfmon:RunningProcesses" AND instance!=_Total AND instance!=Idle)) counter="% Processor Time" |eval CPU=if(instance=="_Total",Value,null())|lookup numcpusperfjava.csv host |eval Value=if(instance=="_Total",Value,(Value/CPUs)) |bin _time span=1m |where Value>=10 |eval Value=round(Value,1)|eval Procs=if(instance=="_Total",null(),(instance+" = "+Value)) |stats avg(CPU) as CPU Values(Procs) as Processes by _time host|eval CPU=round(CPU,1) |where CPU>85 | eval time=strftime(_time, "%m/%d/%y %H:%M")
numcpus.csv is a lookup table that is run nightly:
index=perfjava sourcetype="Perfmon:RunningProcesses" counter="% Processor Time" instance=_Total|stats max(Value) as CPUs by host |eval CPUs=round((CPUs/100),0) |outputlookup numcpus.csv
The timestr at the end is just for Excel compatibility.
I'm not sure if there's a better way to do this. I mean ideally, the contents of Procs that I am setting should each create their own row in the table. Is there a way to split a multi-value element into multiple rows rather than just calling Values() on it?
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