I have customized my local installation of the TA-ubiqiti add-on to support the ingestion of DNSMASQ log messages (produced via the "log-queries=extra" configuration option) and thought that others might be interested in doing the same. I plan to post the specific configuration steps that I followed to get my Unifi Security Gateway 3P to generate and forward the desired DNSMASQ log messages to the Ubiquiti Networks Community Forums, so I will not cover those steps here.
In preparation for setting this up, I followed the installation and configuration steps for the TA-Ubiquiti add-on as outlined in "Method 1" up until the UDP Input is added to Splunk. For my installation, I have all Unifi devices configured to forward syslog output to a Debian Linux based syslog server with a Universal Forwarder installed. Here is an example of the rsyslog configuration I am using:
In /etc/rsyslog.d/ubqt.conf:
if $fromhost-ip == '' then /var/log/splunk/ubqt/controller.log
if $fromhost-ip == '' then /var/log/splunk/ubqt/gateway.log
if $fromhost-ip == '' then /var/log/splunk/ubqt/switch_1.log
if $fromhost-ip == '' then /var/log/splunk/ubqt/switch_2.log
if $fromhost-ip == '' then /var/log/splunk/ubqt/ap_1.log
if $fromhost-ip == '' then /var/log/splunk/ubqt/ap_2.log
@ ~
To ingest the files created above via rsyslog, I am using the following local .conf file configurations:
In ~/etc/apps/TA-ubiquiti/inputs.conf:
host_regex = /var/log/splunk/ubqt/(\w+)
sourcetype = ubqt
disabled = 0
In ~/etc/apps/TA-ubiquiti/props.conf:
TRANSFORMS-changeindex = index-mcad, index-mcad, index-dhcp, index-fw, index-threat, index-dns
TRANSFORMS-dns = sourcetype-dns
EXTRACT-dnsmaq_dns_request = dnsmasq[(?P\d+)]:\s+(?P\d+)\s+(?P[^/]+)/(?P\d+)\s+(?P\w+)[(?P\w+)]\s+(?P[^ ]+)
EXTRACT-dnsmasq_dns_response = dnsmasq[(?P\d+)]:\s+(?P\d+)\s+(?P[^/]+)/(?P\d+)\s+(?P[a-z/]+)\s+(?P[^ ]+) is (?P.+)
EXTRACT-dnsmasq_dest_ip = dnsmasq[(?P\d+)]:\s+(?P\d+)\s+(?P[^/]+)/(?P\d+)\s+(?P\w+)[^ \n]* (?P[^ ]+) to (?P.+)
TIME_FORMAT = %b %d %H:%M:%S
In ~/etc/apps/TA-ubiquiti/transforms.conf, I added the following two stanzas:
REGEX = dnsmasq[
FORMAT = netdns
DEST_KEY = _MetaData:Index
REGEX = dnsmasq[
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Sourcetype
FORMAT = sourcetype::ubqt:dns
Once all of the above configuration work is in place, the DNSMASQ events will be added to the netdns index that should have been created when the ubqt_indexes.tar archive was installed as mentioned within the "Method 1" installation instructions.
One last note: It may be noticed that I am not attempting to differentiate the received ubiquiti syslog messages within rsyslog (as mentioned within the "Method 2" installation summary. So the approach I outline here is something of a hybrid between the two installation methods.
I hope that somebody finds this of some value.
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