Thank you, @rich7177. Ran last suggestion; however, got this:
"Error in 'timechart' command: The specifier 'IsSpecial' is invalid. It must be in form (). For example: max(size )."
What I'm trying to achieve is to compare log files and search for two (or 3) strings "timeline" and "current position" from July 27 from 12:01 AM to July 28 11:59 PM. The, overlay the results in two graphs as follows:
index=_internal sourcetype="a1_bridge_log" OR sourcetype="b1_bridge_log" host="a1" OR host="b1"
earliest=07/27/2017:0:01:0 latest=07/28/2017:23:59:0
| eval IsSpecial=if(match( _raw, "timeline") OR match(_raw, "currrentposition"),"Yes","No")
| timechart IsSpecial
index =_internal is the default Splunk light index I use for both hosts, a1, b1.
in my environment, a1_bridge_log is the sourcetype for corresponding logs in host = a1
On the other hand, b1_bridge_log is the sourcetype for corresponding logs in host b1
"timeline" and "currentposition" are character strings found in lines of such log files. Thank you for your support.
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