Well this is embarrassing, looks like the search head members were connected to the indexer and were able to get data back, but the query I was using to test was not working.
When I run the below search, from the web gui, from the search & reporting app, I get nothing on the search head cluster:
But, if I run this then I do get results back:
index=* host=lelsyslog*
Why would my cluster refuse to return data when I have one parameter in the search? On top of that, when I run the same search (host=lelsyslog*) directly on the indexer, it does return data.
What tipped me off to this was when I setup the test indexer. I was getting the exact same problem. I setup two quick VM's; one as an indexer, the other to put a forwarder on. After I setup the forwarder and created a simple app to just grab /var/log/messages, I wasn't seeing any data. I thought it might have been because I didn't set something up right, but on a whim, I searched off of index=* and I got results back. I then searched off host and got nothing back, even though that exact host was in the results when I searched off index.
Can someone tell me how to fix this, it almost seems like a configuration issue.
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