Hi all,
We are using AWS App and the dashboard for EC2 Instances and in the Tags field where can select the key available we can pass the values available for that tag key. It works fine as long as the tag key is a single word without any spaces like below
aws-description-resource( (aws_account_id="0456789514") , (region="*") , "ec2_instances") |search tags.Name="splunk"
| stats count(id) as count by state
| eventstats sum(count) as total | where state!="running"
| nadefault count total
| eval _total_name="instances", _total_field=total
But we have some tag keys that has space like OS Type and it comes like below which doesn't work due to space.
aws-description-resource( (aws_account_id="0456789514") , (region="*") , "ec2_instances") |search tags.OS Type="windows"
| stats count(id) as count by state
| eventstats sum(count) as total | where state!="running"
| nadefault count total
| eval _total_name="instances", _total_field=total
Above search wont give any results as tags token becomes (tags.OS Type="windows") and it doesnt work due to space.
Can someone help me how to resolve this?
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