It might be a failure on the macro. I just realized I have this issue, so we'll troubleshoot together!
TL;DR, fields are wrong, and lookup mentioned in macro ip-to-host does not exist, update macro for fix-localhost , fix the query (shown below), and remove |ip-to-host from query. That should fix it. Oh and don't forget to change the panels query as well after testing.
Failed Logons Over Time query=
eventtype=msad-failed-user-logons (host="*")
|fields _time,signature,src_ip,src_host,src_nt_host,src_nt_domain,user,Logon_Type
|timechart count by signature
Failed Logons by IP query =
eventtype=msad-failed-user-logons (host="*")
|fields _time,signature,src_ip,src_host,src_nt_host,src_nt_domain,user,Logon_Type
|stats count by src_nt_host,src_ip
|sort -count
|rename src_nt_host as "Workstation",src_ip as "IP Address"
Note the two macros in your failed logon by IP query:
Now the searches for each macro:
ip-to-host = join src_ip [|inputlookup tHostInfo | table src_ip,src_host,src_nt_domain]
fix-localhost = 'eval src_host=if(src_ip=="" OR src_ip=="-",upper(host),src_host)|eval src_host=src_nt_domain."\".src_host '
Now I'm going to say, I see a problem here: index=wineventlog does not have src_ip field; eventtype=msad* uses index=wineventlog .
BUT! There is a field IpAddress that contains IP addresses, and host that contains hostnames where the field src_host does not exist.
So lets tweak these macros:
ip-to-host = join src [|inputlookup tHostInfo | table src,Caller_Domain]
fix-localhost = eval host=if(IpAddress=="" OR IpAddress=="-",upper(host),host)|eval host= Caller_Domain."\\".host
Still not getting anything, so I search
|eventtype=msad-failed-user-logons (host="*")
|fields _time,signature,src,host,Caller_Domain,user,Logon_Type
|stats count by host,src
|sort -count
|rename src_nt_host as "Workstation",src as "IP Address"
Note, I've changed the query to represent fields that exist in index=wineventlog .
Still not getting anything! But wait, a lookup is mentioned in the macro ip-to-host , lets see how that is configured!
There is no lookup tHostInfo , so lets remove ip-to-host from the query.
|eventtype=msad-failed-user-logons (host="*")
|fields _time,signature,src,host,Caller_Domain,user,Logon_Type
|stats count by host,src
|sort -count
|rename src_nt_host as "Workstation",src as "IP Address"
Workstation IP Address count
DOMAIN<Hostname> 2
DOMAIN<Hostname> 10.###.##.### 1
DOMAIN<hostname> 1
So change the fields in the macro fix-localhost, as noted in "lets tweak these macros" then remove ip-to-host from the query, while updating the query the panel uses to search.
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