To start off with... (Thank-You!)
After posting the question last night, I found someone with a kind of similar question who said they queue sizes by default are too small, so I enlarged them. That did empty the queues right away. Keeping in mind I am not sending any data at all, that just seemed odd.
To put things back an work with your advice, I have removed my enhanced queues settings and restarted.
I am assuming the the master node counts as a non idexing server so setting the outputs.conf there also.
On the non-indexing servers it shows: server=:9997,:9997
I currently have it set to i.p.add.ress1:9997,i.p.add.ress2:9997.
I have MC enabled on anything with a gui. I was unaware it shouldn't be that way.
I'll use the cluster manager for monitoring console in your reply.
I noticed for the first time it says 'standalone'
odd, it says the cm is a search head.
It took me about 45 minutes to figure out how to edit the roles. Apparently if the browser isn't open far enough to the right, you can't see the 'Action' edit link. Good learning experience.
I tried to remove all roles by editing the 'Action' link to only be a Cluster Master, and it replies with a 'something went wrong, please try again later. I also tries editing assets.csv and rebooting the machine. No luck.
I'll just go ahead as it is. (I am using a free 60 day trial, so maybe that's the problem)
I ignored the warning and set the MC to distributed.
First I ran the health check local, and no errors, than I ran it distributed, and it replied with 18 ALL 18 N/A.
The two indexers only show the indexer server and license master I guess because everything relies on a free 60 day enterprise license.
Indexing pipeline as shown from CM is 0%.
From idx01 the Index Queue is at 2%
Fromn idx02 it is at 12%
Thank-You for your time.
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