Thanks for your prompt reply, I tried using the following command syntax
index= xyz (sourcetype="Perfmon:CPUTime" OR sourcetype="Perfmon:Memory" OR sourcetype="Perfmon:LocalNetwork") host="*" (counter="% Processor Time" OR (counter="Available Bytes" OR counter="Committed Bytes") OR counter="Bytes Total/Sec") | eval MemPerc=round(('Committed Bytes'/'Available Bytes' + 'Committed Bytes') * 100, 2) | chart max(Value) as values over host by counter | table host,"%CPUTime", MemPerc,"Bytes Total/Sec"
the output it displays as a table is only the host with names, whereas field such as %CPUTime", MemPerc,"Bytes Total/Sec are blank with no values.
Can you please help on this
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