In a dashboard I'm trying to drive several charts off a single query and use post process search to select the fields that I want.
The timechart has a "by" clause and I wanted to select fields (columns in this case) for each chart based on the prefix which is the by field followed by a "-".
Assuming the by field is an "a" or a "b" I end up with fields like - _time, a-avgcpu,a-maxcpu,b-avgcpu,b-maxcpu
I wanted to chart them separately
So I tried <query> | fields _time,a-* and <query> | fields _time,b-*
For all the charts they just come up empty. Tried the equivalent search outside the dashboard app and it only displays the _time field.
Does using the by clause change something fundamental that I've missed to do with result there another way to do this? ( I see from another question that it appears to be possible if there is no by clause, although they are also not using a wild card field selection in that question either)
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