Hi All,
I want count of word "ERROR" in the group of events for which i have used transaction command!
my search query is
source="*.log" | transaction startswith="Hydra is starting Control Channel" endswith="completed Setup"
Now i want to count the no of times the word "ERROR" has occurred between the limits.
sample log
[M2E-CSI]2013-06-11 01:19:40,924 PDT - Hydra is starting Control Channel
[M2E-CSI]2013-06-11 01:19:40,926 PDT - Error is adding AdapterJMS as Reconnectable
[M2E-CSI]2013-06-11 01:19:40,926 PDT - Error is adding AdapterJMS as Reconnectable
[M2E-CSI]2013-06-11 01:19:40,926 PDT - Error is adding AdapterJMS as Reconnectable
[M2E-CSI]2013-06-11 01:19:40,926 PDT - Error is adding AdapterJMS as Reconnectable
[M2E-CSI]2013-06-11 01:19:40,926 PDT - Error is adding AdapterJMS as Reconnectable
[M2E-CSI]2013-06-11 01:19:40,928 PDT - Error is adding AdapterJMS as Reconnectable
[M2E-CSI]2013-06-11 01:19:40,928 PDT - Error is adding AdapterJMS as Reconnectable
[M2E-CSI]2013-06-11 01:19:40,928 PDT - Error is adding AdapterJMS as Reconnectable
[M2E-CSI]2013-06-11 01:19:40,928 PDT - Error is adding AdapterJMS as Reconnectable
completed setup
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