Activity Feed
- Karma Re: Can't get createdist to work for badarsebard. 06-05-2020 12:50 AM
- Karma Could I save the predicted value after using ML model? for rickyhsu7. 06-05-2020 12:50 AM
- Karma Re: Setting up a python virtual environment for developing Splunk applications for DavidHourani. 06-05-2020 12:50 AM
- Karma Re: Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit: how can I upload a custom algorithm? for aljohnson_splun. 06-05-2020 12:49 AM
- Karma Re: Should we run Splunk as root or non-root user? for bandit. 06-05-2020 12:47 AM
- Karma Re: Should we run Splunk as root or non-root user? for jspears. 06-05-2020 12:47 AM
- Posted Re: Setting up a python virtual environment for developing Splunk applications on Deployment Architecture. 05-16-2019 07:57 AM
- Posted Setting up a python virtual environment for developing Splunk applications on Deployment Architecture. 05-15-2019 11:58 PM
- Tagged Setting up a python virtual environment for developing Splunk applications on Deployment Architecture. 05-15-2019 11:58 PM
Topics I've Started
Subject | Karma | Author | Latest Post |
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07:57 AM
Dear David,
thanks for the quick answer. This is exactly what I want to do. Implementing the BaseAlgo class.
My problem is: Where/How do I develop my code? My plan was to set up a virtual environment in Anaconda or PyCharm which is identical to the splunk environment (python 2.7, scikit 0.17, scipy ...) I just could not find a comprehensive list of dependencies. I also look into PyDen, but could not get it to work yet. Also, I wonder: What is best practice for developing and testing ML classes?
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11:58 PM
I am new to Splunk and want to write my own MLTK classes/functions. I want to test my code locally in Anaconda or PyCharm. Therefor I would like to set up a virtual python environment that is identical to the one used in Splunk. Something like the output of a "pip freeze". Have searched the internet, but could not find a list python packages with versions needed to set up this environment. Any ideas where I can find that?
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- Tags:
- splunk-enterprise