I have three fields: order_number, status, and a timestamp for when that status became effective. There are three statuses - ready, in_progress, and complete. I need to create a dashboard that provides a monthly count for how many orders are in each status by month with a drill-down that will show the order numbers for a clicked status / month. I need help with the SPL to rearrange my data so that I can carry over the order_number and status into the following monthly time buckets. There are time gaps between status changes.
Example, time is bin span=1mon:
Order_Number - Status - _time
1 - ready - 201812
2 - ready - 201901
1 - in_progress - 201903
2 - in_progress - 201905
1 - complete - 201906
2 - complete - 201906
Looking for:
1- ready - 201812
1 - ready - 201901
2 - ready - 201901
1 - ready - 201902
2 - ready - 201902
1 - in_progress - 201903
2 - ready - 201903
1 - in_progress - 201904
2 - ready - 201904
1 - in_progress - 201905
2 - in_progress - 201905
1 - complete - 201906
2 - complete - 201906
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