We have a 6.5.3 - 9 node search cluster where at any time 2 members will stop running scheduled searches which is causing scaling issue.
from the captain I see the following message for nodes that stop running scheduled searches
05-27-2017 12:16:08.110 -0500 WARN SHCMaster - did not schedule removal for peer='56B4C21B-0B26-4BA2-826C-148E069F5FD0', err='SHPMaster::scheduleRemoveArtifactFromPeer_locked: aid=scheduler_adminbatch_RMD5ebd970f44716db9c_at_1495904700_9854_2E1C054F-9A8B-4D4A-BBC0-29F0562C7AED peer="xxxxx", guid="56B4C21B-0B26-4BA2-826C-148E069F5FD0" is pending some change, status='PendingDiscard''
I restart these nodes but then they stop running schedules searches a couple of hours later.
I cannot find anything in the docs or in answers for this message. Do i need just need to rsync the baseline?
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