I have the below Splunk Event & need to extract multiple fields from the same : [TIMESTAMP=2021-02-19 12:16:30.684 UTC] [RUN_ID=] [TRACE_ID=] [STEP=End Processing] [LINE_NO=701] [LOG_LEVEL=TRACE] [MESSAGE=[ppv] [insert] Query completed , total 11 ms: [10 values] INSERT INTO errors (job,run,timestamp,count,alert,error,code,message,completets,active) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?); [job:'endcustomer--prod', run:'4569876', timestamp:1613736990530, count:200, alert:'failed after launch', error:'', code:'E302: Batch failed', message:'', completets:'', active:false]] Expected Table Output : job run code endcustomer--prod 4569876 E302: Batch failed I was able to pick some field like : run\:\'(?<run>\w+)' https://regex101.com/r/q7NqQb/1 However, unable to extract all the three fields above. Any help is appreciated.
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