The transaction on MID isn't enough, because the different models of ESA spawn new MID's and reference the original MID as "internal_message_id". Instead, a more complex union is required to accomplish the Ironport logs self-join.
| union
[ search index=ironport mid=* (message_size=* OR internal_message_id=* OR sender=* OR recipient=* OR subject=*)
| eval message_size_mb=(message_size_mb/1024/1024)
| fields mid, message_size_mb, internal_message_id, sender, recipient, subject, _time
| stats min(_time) as _time values(*) as * by mid]
[ search index=ironport file_name=*
| rename mid as internal_message_id
| stats min(_time) as _time values(file_name) as file_names by internal_message_id
| fields internal_message_id file_names _time]
| stats values(*) as * min(_time) as _time by internal_message_id
| search mid=* message_size_mb=*
| table _time, mid, internal_message_id, sender, subject, recipient, message_size_mb, file_names
| collect index=ironport sourcetype=ironport:summary addtime=false
This search will look at ironport logs in the index=ironport which have MID=* and other key values. Then using this as a union change the MID as internal_message_ID and search again for associated records. Finally, collect the data into a new sourcetype=ironport:summary and use the original data time for the summary to preserve the event's original time. Run this search as a scheduled search to populate email data either for a data model or to query directly on the new summarized information.
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