We use a Splunk architecture where all events go through a heavy forwarder before getting to an indexer. The HF does extensive filtering, transforms (trimming), and anonymization, and is basically the 'gateway' to the indexers.
The recommendation for Splunk DB Connect 2 is to deploy it on a dedicated heavy forwarder. That aligns nicely with our existing architecture. However, it appears I can't do any routing or filtering of events loaded by DB Connect on the heavy forwarder itself.
For example, DB Connect ingests 2 different database sources: DBSource1, DBSource2. I want to route them DBSource1- > Index1 on Indexer1, and DBSource2 -> Index2 on Indexer2, but all loading from the single DB Connect app on the one heavy forwarder.
Is this possible? So far, DB Connect allows me to choose which index to put events in, but I can't choose which Indexer to send the events to. Does DBConnect/Splunk honor normal inputs.conf _TCP_ROUTING for the DB Connect app?
Thank you to anyone who has any insights!
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