I have had the same error. I was able to eliminate that error by updating the ec2.py script as suggested by Splunk Support Team. Update from Splunk Support: Please try the following workaround Open %SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_aws/bin/splunk_ta_aws/modinputs/cloudwatch/discovery/ec2.py Find the following lines, those lines should be located at line 120 to line 123 for group in auto_scaling_groups: lcn = group['LaunchConfigurationName'] typename = configurations[lcn] metric_names = self._create_metric_names(typename) Remove line 121 and hardcode the typename, it should looks like the following text after editing for group in auto_scaling_groups: typename = 'c5' metric_names = self._create_metric_names(typename) using your corresponding instance type. There is a known limitation of AWS Launch template instance type detection.
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