Hi, I have a list of tasks and their start and end date in an index. And list of holidays in a lookup file. I want to find the difference between start and end date. Also this should exclude the day if there are any holidays in between start and end date. Task Start End Days A 5-Jan-20 5-Feb-20 B 15-Jan-20 5-Mar-20 C 1-Apr-20 30-Apr-20 Holidays: 1-Jan-20 27-Jan-20 10-Apr-20 11-Apr-20 12-Apr-20 13-Apr-20 .... Am currently during this using appendcols and mv commands which is making it very slow. Am looking for a direct/easier/perf optimized solution | appendcols [ inputlookup Holidays.csv | tableHolidays ] | reverse | eventstats list(Holidays) as Holidays delim="|" | nomv Holidays | eval between= mvrange(start, end, "1d"), date_diff = strftime(between,"%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S") | mvexpand date_diff | where NOT match(date_diff, Holidays) | stats list(date_diff) AS date_diff BY tasks
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