Use mvzip, makemv and then reset the fields based on index.
First, mvzip the multi-values into a new field:
| eval reading=mvzip(vivol, usage) // create multi-value field for reading
| eval reading=mvzip(reading, limit) // add the third field
At this point you'll have a multi-value field called reading. Here's an example of a field value (a list of four items):
"VOL_ABC,100,300", "VOL_XYZ,320,800", "VOL_123, 50,150", "VOL_FOO, 80,120"
Expand the field and restore the values:
| mvexpand reading // separate multi-value into into separate events
| makemv reading delim="," // convert the reading into a multi-value
| eval vivol=mvindex(reading, 0) // set vivol to the first value of reading
| eval usage=mvindex(reading, 1) // set usage to the second value of reading
| eval limit=mvindex(reading, -1) // set limit to the last value of reading
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