I have a working search that calculates total hits, avg(per_hour), avg(per_minute), top10 IPs with count and value. Now I have a couple of problems that need optimization/or fixing :
source="mysource" "POST url" evttype=INFO | bucket _time span=24h | stats dc(clientIP) as Unique_IP_Hits, count as Total_Hits by _time | eval avg_perhour=(Total_Hits/24) | eval avg_perminute=(avg_perhour/60) | table _time, Total_Hits, Unique_IP_Hits, avg_perhour, avg_perminute| appendcols [searchsource="mysource" "POST url" evttype=INFO | bucket _time span=24h | top clientIP limit=5 by _time| sort -count| eval pair=clientIP." (".count.")" | stats values(pair) as TOP10_IP]
This returns :
Time Total_Hits Unique_IP_Hits perhour perminute Top10
Now here are my concerns where I need help:
1) The avg(per_time) is calculated statically , i.e (total/24), so if the span is less than 24 it wont work. There is a | timechart span=X h per_hour(total) command that I can't get to work with this search
2) The top10 spans the upper right cell, I need to either merge all rightmost cells, or find a solution to get (top10 per day)
3) Optional - if we get to work the 1) and 2), is there a more short/nice way of rewriting the search.
I know it's a lot of work and I don't expect prompt response, but will be glad if you could.
Thanks in advance,
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