TimeZone specification in props.conf on a SplunkUniversalForwarder instance does not appear to be working for me.
SplunkUniversalForwarder instance version 6.3.2
Splunk instance (indexer) version 7.0.0
The application server running the forwarder is in US/Eastern system timezone (cannot change)
The logs are generated in UTC without a timezone specifier in the string (cannot change)
As the logs are received by Splunk they are interpreted as being UTC-5 as I suppose the forwarder is appending its system timezone. As the _time field is subsequently converted to UTC we see logs with time values 5 hours in the future.
I want to configure the forwarder instance to explicitly state that the timezone of the records it's sending on is UTC. I've tried the following:
props.conf in:
- apps/appname/local
- apps/appname/default
- system/local
- system/default
I've tried several different stanzas to match the log monitors, for example:
All to no avail. Actually I am now at the point where I don't think the configuration is a problem, but it may still be. I don't see any difference to the logs imported regardless of which of the above options I use, so it's like it's being overridden at the indexer or simply not picked up.
Documentation suggests that the forwarder should be able to append TimeZone information from props.conf post version 6 and that this ought to be respected when indexed. I'm not seeing this behaviour at all. I don't want to / can't configure this at the indexer as I have servers in multiple different timezones, they each need to be able to specify the source tz information.
Can anyone suggest any other avenues of exploration? Thanks in advance.
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