Our log looks like as following after first filter:
Date...Time...UserID...Function...Level 1...Level 2...Section...
20190227 03:56:22:788 [ftjmvf0534faqmyhbwp51e0d] - Function => [level one]10[/level one][level two]50[/level two][section]0089[/section]
20190227 03:55:09:933 [bmmwjmls4uxxr0ypem1ietiw] - Function => [level one]01[/level one][level two]35[/level two][section]5000[/section]
20190227 03:46:35:503 [njdh00t2ldqwuocvtdzdywcr] - Function => [level one]06[/level one][level two]01[/level two][section]4033[/section]
20190227 03:46:32:587 [njdh00t2ldqwuocvtdzdywcr] - Function => [level one]06[/level one][level two]01[/level two][section]4063[/section]
20190227 03:45:14:681 [njdh00t2ldqwuocvtdzdywcr] - Function => [level one]08[/level one][level two]05[/level two][section]5084[/section]
20190227 03:44:56:292 [p4gcrhvhaqib4wm4c0ask0jh] - Function => [level one]18[/level one][level two]55[/level two][section]0030[/section]
20190227 03:33:15:450 [htwym1erwjqn04d2hnhwbuxa] - Function => [level one]06[/level one][level two]01[/level two][section]4063[/section]
20190227 03:33:07:554 [htwym1erwjqn04d2hnhwbuxa] - Function => [level one]06[/level one][level two]01[/level two][section]4033[/section]
20190227 03:30:12:723 [mcgx31a2u0q4jnlhmr4luxuf] - Function => [level one]05[/level one][level two]20[/level two][section]0087[/section]
20190227 03:28:30:050 [h0a0zwhtr3o1ennw1fasoekf] - Function => [level one]18[/level one][level two]15[/level two][section]5310[/section]
20190227 03:23:57:447 [h0a0zwhtr3o1ennw1fasoekf] - Function => [level one]10[/level one][level two]50[/level two][section]0025[/section]
20190227 03:09:53:089 [p5zuajzkinfga5tm2nf4g5d1] - Function => [level one]03[/level one][level two]35[/level two][section]7507[/section]
20190227 03:09:18:810 [p5zuajzkinfga5tm2nf4g5d1] - Function => [level one]03[/level one][level two]35[/level two][section]5245[/section]
20190227 02:57:04:675 [s3spxd4hsjqibkbywlrhd4og] - Function => [level one]01[/level one][level two]01[/level two][section]5105[/section]
20190227 02:53:54:123 [s3spxd4hsjqibkbywlrhd4og] - Function => [level one]01[/level one][level two]05[/level two][section]5106[/section]
20190227 02:53:49:646 [l44x4bvvs2siajkkjw5rdwfv] - Function => [level one]01[/level one][level two]99[/level two][section]5802[/section]
20190227 02:53:15:358 [l44x4bvvs2siajkkjw5rdwfv] - Function => [level one]01[/level one][level two]99[/level two][section]5802[/section]
20190227 02:52:45:112 [l44x4bvvs2siajkkjw5rdwfv] - Function => [level one]01[/level one][level two]99[/level two][section]5802[/section]
20190227 02:52:40:848 [s3spxd4hsjqibkbywlrhd4og] - Function => [level one]04[/level one][level two]05[/level two][section]0231[/section]
20190227 02:52:34:945 [l44x4bvvs2siajkkjw5rdwfv] - Function => [level one]01[/level one][level two]30[/level two][section]5000[/section]
What I want to analyze is where the users "looking for" information in our application.
The hypothesis is, same user, same date, and same Level 1, if the Time difference between two events are less than x secounds, then the user is "looking for" level 2 information in the certain level 1. Show the bar graph with level 1 as x-axis and count as y-axis.
Is there anyone who can help me with the code? Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!
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