Of course I only have a small set for your data, but this seems to be working. The main challenge is to line break as you mentioned. Assuming that the first element of the json object is always the same ( in your case, it starts with "team", then this regex should work.
LINE_BREAKER = (,*\s+){\s+"team"
Once you have events breaking properly, the only thing you have left is to clean up opening and closing square brackets with SEDCMD. Finished Props looks like this:
LINE_BREAKER = (,*\s+){\s+"team"
TIME_PREFIX = regDate":\s"
disabled = false
KV_MODE = json
SEDCMD-remove_opening = s/^\[//g
SEDCMD-remove_cloing = s/\]$//g
I had a similar issue, but my json objects was wrapped yet in another json array. Same solution worked there too. As long as you can line break on the first field of the object - you should be fine.
"Records": [
"team" : "spirit",
"coach": "matt",
"regDate": "2016-07-31T12:23:34Z",
"team" : "chill",
"coach": "bob"
"regDate": "2016-08-01T12:15:19Z",
I also spoke with someone from Splunk and they do realize that json array is a common data structure nowadays and they do have an internal Jira task for it as a feature request.
I hope it helps!
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