I am trying to calculate hourly decline percentage rates for several different payment gateways.
The percentage is based on hourly decline count / total transaction count for that gateway * 100.
My current query is only able to pull the data for 1 gateway and looks like this:
gateway=firstdata errorType!=null event=transactionCompleted |bucket _time span=1h | eval hour=strftime(_time,"%H") | stats count(eval(success="false")) as declined, count as total by month | eval percent_declined=(declined / total * 100)
Hour |percent_declined
00 19.62
01 18.54
02 18.75
Ideally, I would want the report to look like:
Hour |PayPal| FirstData | Stripe | etc.......
00 20.02 18.94 15.214
01 19.45 17.12 15.84
02 19.62 18.54 15.44
I was thinking that this might have to use timechart but hitting a wall. The only thing that I know which the query has to include is gateway!=test which will pull up the data for all the gateways instead of one in particular.
Any guidance would would be deeply appreciated!
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