Hello Splunky's,
I'am working on a project and want to correlate a couple of id's on different logs and got the time it has taken from earlest event to latest event.
This is the input:
2013-12-04 09:00:00 Verwerking SMTP id=1203
2013-12-04 09:00:20 Verwerking SMTP id=1205
2013-12-04 09:00:21 Verwerking SMTP id=1503
2013-12-04 09:00:01 Verwerking CORE IN=1203, OUT=adf
2013-12-04 09:00:21 Verwerking SMTP IN=1205, OUT=sda
2013-12-04 09:00:25 Verwerking SMTP IN=1503, OUT=yuis
2013-12-04 10:00:50 Verwerking POP3 id=adf
2013-12-04 09:00:26 Verwerking POP3 id=sda
This is the search query I fire at this moment.
host=SMTP1 OR host=CORE1 | eval sameID=coalesce(SMTPID,IN) | stats latest(_time) as lt earliest(_time) as et by sameID | eval durationIN = lt - et | appendcols [SEARCH host=CORE1 OR host=POP3 | eval sameOUT=coalesce(pop3ID,OUT) | stats latest(_time) as lt2 earliest(_time) as et2 by sameOUT | eval durationOUT = lt2 - et2] | eval durationTotal=durationOUT+durationIN | table durationTotal durationIN sameID durationOUT sameOUT
Problem with this is that when POP3 hasn't a id witch CORE does have there's a 0 reported witch actualy should not show 0 but NULL. In one short centence: I want to have the avarage lead time from the first step to the latest.
Other problem is that it does not give one number, I want to have an average number for al the steps.
Who can help me with this problem?
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