Hello everyone.
I have configured LDAP with my splunk, everything seems to be working correctly, but i'm getting the following error message.
"Your LDAP strategy 'ldap1' is not returning any groups. Please check your LDAP configuration or consult splunkd.log for LDAP errors."
Here's what my authentication.conf file looks like.
authType = LDAP
authSettings = ldap1
host = sjcldap.ad.ea.com
port = 3268
SSLEnabled = 0
bindDN = esmguest
bindDNpassword = ############
userBaseDN = dc=ad,dc=ea,dc=com
userBaseFilter = (objectclass=)
groupBaseDN = dc=ad,dc=ea,dc=com
groupBaseFilter = (objectclass=)
userNameAttribute = sAMAccountName
realNameAttribute = displayName
groupMappingAttribute = uid
groupMemberAttribute = uniqueMember
groupNameAttribute = uid
And i'm seeing this in my splunkd.log file
08-15-2013 07:14:24.071 -0700 INFO ShutdownHandler - shutting down level "ShutdownLevel_LoadLDAPUsers"
08-15-2013 07:14:32.089 -0700 WARN AuthenticationManagerLDAP - strategy="ldap1" The group="admin" was not found on the LDAP server, removing it from the role map
08-15-2013 07:14:32.264 -0700 WARN AuthenticationManagerLDAP - strategy="ldap1" The group="dbarajas@contractor.ea.com" was not found on the LDAP server, removing it from the role map
08-15-2013 07:15:59.219 -0700 WARN AdminManager - Endpoint has not specified a type for val=LDAP, will return this as a string in JSON API.
08-15-2013 07:19:02.841 -0700 INFO ShutdownHandler - shutting down level "ShutdownLevel_LoadLDAPUsers"
08-15-2013 07:19:15.988 -0700 WARN AuthenticationManagerLDAP - strategy="ldap1" The group="Admin" was not found on the LDAP server, removing it from the role map
08-15-2013 07:19:16.049 -0700 WARN AuthenticationManagerLDAP - strategy="ldap1" The group="Users" was not found on the LDAP server, removing it from the role map
08-15-2013 18:09:32.183 -0700 ERROR AuthenticationManagerLDAP - Could not find user="nobody" with strategy="ldap1"
08-15-2013 18:09:32.184 -0700 ERROR UserManagerPro - Failed to get LDAP user="nobody" from any configured servers
Any help you can provide is welcomed.
Have a Great Day.
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