Hi there...
As per http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.4/SearchReference/CommonEvalFunctions
Cidrmatch returns true or false and works well nested in an "if" statement
So in order to add knowledge to your data.. You could try
some search highlighting individual IP's by field clientIP | eval voipnet=if(cidrmatch("",clientIP),client ip,"") | eval tecnet=if(cidrmatch("",clientIP),client ip,"") | eval secnet=if(cidrmatch("333.333.0.0/16",clientIP),clientIP,"") | table clientIP,clientSplunkName,clientNetworkName,voipnet,tecnet,secnet | dedup clientIP
Each eval works if cidrmatch matches the clientIP again the iprange. It passes true to the if statement.
The if statement then makes sure that voipnet = clientIP because the result true was returned. If the cidrmatch returns false... Then voipnet is still created but is empty... You can still search voipnet= "". Your table should pull all results together. It's probably not the prettiest way to do this, there may even be a more efficient way. Hope this helps...
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