I'm trying to index JVM garbage collection logs. I'm having trouble getting the event delimiting to work, however. Below is my attempted props.conf , as well as some sample data. I've experimented a bit in the import preview, and there the event breaks work nicely, but as soon as I actually index some data, I just get a single big event. Is the logic for splitting different in the preview as compared with during indexing?
Also, If I add my EXTRACT -statements to the previewer, it seems to hang - staying at 0% indefinitely.
KV_MODE = none
EXTRACT-RelativeTime = ^(?<_time>[\d\.]+):
EXTRACT-GarbageCollectionData = (?<Offset>[\d\.]+): \[(?<GcType>(Full )?GC(--)?)\s(?<GcDetails>.+\s+)?\[PSYoungGen: (?<YoungGenSizeBeforeGC>\d+K)->(?<YoungGenSizeAfterGC>\d+K)\((?<MaxYoungGenSize>\d+K)\)\]\s(\[ParOldGen: (?<ParOldGenSizeBeforeGC>\d+K)->(?<ParOldGenSizeAfterGC>\d+K)\((?<MaxParOldGenSize>\d+K)\)\]\s)?(?<TotalSizeBeforeGC>\d+K)->(?<TotalSizeAfterGC>\d+K)\((?<MaxTotalSize>\d+K)\)(\s\[PSPermGen: (?<PSPermGenSizeBeforeGC>\d+K)->(?<PSPermGenSizeAfterGC>\d+K)\((?<MaxPSPermGenSize>\d+K)\)\])?, (?<TotalGcTime>[\d\.]+) secs\]\s\[Times: user.(?<UserTime>[\d\.]+) sys.(?<SysTime>[\d\.]+), real.(?<RealTime>[\d\.]+) secs\]
MUST_BREAK_AFTER = \[Times: user.[\d\.]+ sys.[\d\.]+, real.[\d\.]+ secs\]
Sample data
Application time: 1.6442740 seconds
60927.496: [GC
Desired survivor size 20381696 bytes, new threshold 1 (max 15)
[PSYoungGen: 2886991K->9404K(2900544K)] 5798933K->2924091K(5820992K), 0.4201650 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=3.85, real=0.42 secs]
60927.917: [Full GC [PSYoungGen: 9404K->0K(2900544K)] [ParOldGen: 2914687K->1570706K(2920448K)] 2924091K->1570706K(5820992K) [PSPermGen: 371646K->204339K(393216K)], 9.6103740 secs] [Times: user=38.46 sys=43.74, real=9.61 secs]
Total time for which application threads were stopped: 10.0346980 seconds
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