As I'm digging more, it appears the problem is bigger than I expected. Iam unable to collect data into a summary index. Getting odd behavior. Some stuff works, other stuff does not.
This works:
index=security sourcetype=dbx2 source=ca_owned_resource inactive=0 resource_status=2600 OR resource_status=0
resource_family=362243 OR resource_family=3622436 OR resource_family=3622435 OR resource_family=3622486 OR resource_family=3622488 OR resource_family=3622500 OR resource_family=3622458 OR resource_family=3622454 OR resource_family=3622491 OR resource_family=3622492 |dedup resource_name |stats count(resource_name) as |collect index=summary
This does not:
index=security sourcetype=nmap_xml host.status{@state}=up earliest=-5d |stats first(host.status{@state}) as State by ip |stats count(State) as Count |rename Count as |collect index=summary
Both searches, per se, work fine. But the collection part does not work on the latter query. Each search query provides a number value as expected. When I look at the summary index (index=summary asset_mgmt) right after running each query, only the first search comes up. It does not matter the user I run it as; typical user, power user, or admin. I have also tried this on different searchheads but have the same result. Overall, I have three search strings that will not record into the summary index, and one that will. Other stuff is indexing, such as the MS Exchange app.
But this seems to make this original question moot now. I will be opening a new question with this info.
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