I have not found any further documentation, I was looking due to a SSL error when trying to connect.
The script looks like it sends to either the "main" index or whatever you have in inputs, according to line 218 of the bin/bamboo.py script, haven't been able to verify because I'm not getting logs in but fairly certain thats how it works.
def extract(self, inputs):
201 """
202 Extract data from provided inputs
203 :param inputs: inputs_items object
204 """
205 log.info("Inside extract ...")
206 self.input_name, self.input_items = inputs.inputs.popitem()
207 self.server = self.input_items['server']
208 self.protocol = self.input_items['protocol']
209 self.port = self.input_items['port']
210 self.username = self.input_items['username']
211 self.password = self.input_items['password']
212 self.bamboo_service = BambooService(self.username, self.password, self.server, self.port, self.protocol)
213 #self.jql = self.input_items['jql']
214 post_endpoint = '%s://%s:%s/rest/api/latest/plan' % (
215 self.protocol, self.server, self.port)
216 self.post_url = _get_url(post_endpoint)
217 log.info("PostURL: " + self.post_url)
218 self.output_index = self.input_items['index'] or 'main'
219 self.output_sourcetype = self.input_items['sourcetype'] or 'bamboo'
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