The TA should ship with props for the [hardware] sourcetype. I checked mine (Splunk 7.0.2 running on MacOS, Splunk_TA_nix 5.2.4), and mine includes the following extracts and evals in the default props.conf:
EXTRACT-RealMemory = (?i)MEMORY_REAL\s+(?P<RealMemory>[^ ]*)[ ]?
EXTRACT-SwapMemory = (?i)MEMORY_SWAP\s+(?P<SwapMemory>[^ ]*)[ ]?
EXTRACT-Unit = (?i)MEMORY_REAL\s+\d+\s+(?P<Unit>\w+)?
EVAL-RealMemoryMB = case(match(Unit, "kB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,-1), match(Unit, "KB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,-1), match(Unit, "mB"), RealMemory, match(Unit, "MB"), RealMemory, match(Unit, "gB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,1), match(Unit, "GB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,1), match(Unit, "tB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,2), match(Unit, "TB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,2), match(Unit, "pB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,3), match(Unit, "PB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,3), 1==1, "unknown")
EVAL-SwapMemoryMB = case(match(Unit, "kB"), SwapMemory*pow(1024,-1), match(Unit, "KB"), SwapMemory*pow(1024,-1), match(Unit, "mB"), SwapMemory, match(Unit, "MB"), SwapMemory, match(Unit, "gB"), SwapMemory*pow(1024,1), match(Unit, "GB"), SwapMemory*pow(1024,1), match(Unit, "tB"), SwapMemory*pow(1024,2), match(Unit, "TB"), SwapMemory*pow(1024,2), match(Unit, "pB"), SwapMemory*pow(1024,3), match(Unit, "PB"), SwapMemory*pow(1024,3), 1==1, "unknown")
EXTRACT-cpu_cores = (?i)CPU_COUNT\s+(?P<cpu_cores>[^ \n]*)?
EXTRACT-cpu_type = (?i)CPU_TYPE\s+(?P<cpu_type>[^\n]*)?
EVAL-mem = case(match(Unit, "kB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,-1), match(Unit, "KB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,-1), match(Unit, "mB"), RealMemory, match(Unit, "MB"), RealMemory, match(Unit, "gB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,1), match(Unit, "GB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,1), match(Unit, "tB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,2), match(Unit, "TB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,2), match(Unit, "pB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,3), match(Unit, "PB"), RealMemory*pow(1024,3), 1==1, "unknown")
When I check the data in splunk, I have the following fields that match up to these props: RealMemory, RealMemoryMB, SwapMemory, SwapMemoryMB, cpu_cores, cpu_type, mem
If the add-on is installed on your search heads and indexers, you should get the same field extractions.
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