I don't have any problem getting the Q1, Median, Q3, and IQR values using percX(), median and eval. What I'm having trouble with is separating the outliers from the rest of the data. I'm trying to do something like this:
|stats p25(bar) as q1, p50(bar) as bmed, p75(bar) as q3
|eval irq=q3-q1
|eval lfence=q1-1.5*iqr
|eval ufence=q3+1.5*iqr
|search bar>=lfence bar<=ufence
|stats min(bar) as lfence, max(bar) as ufence
|table lfence,q1,bmed,q3,ufence,iqr
However this returns no results. Does anyone know how I can get these values? I know outlier uses IQR to remove outliers, but if I used that first it would change the median, q1, q3 and iqr.
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