I doing a search and timecharting the results which I then stream into timewrap.
My timechart contains (for instance) bob.com, charlie.com and delta.com
After I pipe this into timewrap, I get the following ordering:
bob.com.2018_01_02, charlie.com_2018_01_02, delta.com_2018_01_02, bob.com_2018_01_09, charlie.com_2018_01_09, delta.com_2018_01_09
Why aren't I seeing results from "today" 2018_01_23?
And how can I sort the columns so the "bob"s, "charlie"s, and "delta"s are adjacent to each other?
My SPL is as follows:
... | eval lc_domain = lower(metadata_recipient_email_domain) | timechart limit=0 span=1d count by metadata_recipient_email_domain | timewrap 1week | sort metadata_recipient_email_domain
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