If I enter this, the flag becomes 1 and the query works, but only for a hostname, if in my query I do not enter the name the result is as if the serial will change for all the hosts, as I can do to only reflect the value of the change and not of all the host?
index="index_name" Name="name_pc"
| streamstats current=true window=1 global=false latest(SerialNumber) as last_machine_serial, latest(DiskSerial) as last_disk_serial, latest(ProcSerial) as last_proc_serial
| dedup last_machine_serial,last_disk_serial, last_proc_serial
| search [inputlookup SavedSerials.csv | table SerialNumber, DiskSerial, ProcSerial]
| eval flag=if(SerialNumber!=last_machine_serial or DiskSerial!=last_disk_serial or ProcSerial!=last_proc_serial,1,0)
| table _time, Name, last_machine_serial, last_disk_serial, last_proc_serial ,flag
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