Hi rdagan,
No I haven't yet. I am waiting to validate the below scenario and then raise a ticket or reach out to our splunk support contact.
Right now from the splunk search head CLI , we are not able to connect to hadoop cluster though we have the valid ticket. We ran this command as admin, we are receiving invalid tgt error.
./bin/hadoop fs -ls hdfs://servername:8020
Our Hadoop admin suggested that we need to have unix local account on the search head with the same name as the Kerberos user. Say our Kerberos user is "abc" , on splunk search head we need to be logged in as "abc" and then run the above command for it to work. I am waiting on getting this done and then plan to log the ticket.
Do you know if the user needs to be same as the Kerberos user, I don't think this would matter but thought we should be able to connect from CLI to hadoop then we know there is something missing on the hadoop connect config side.
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