Dear Team,
I'm trying to to get data from two *.txt files into a single Line Chart.
For example, with the following string, I get the data into the Line Chart:
(host=jp) source="/home/jp/pings/targets/googledns.txt" | timechart avg(time)
But, what I am trying to do is also get data from another .txt file, at the same time:
(host=jp) source="/home/jp/pings/targets/defaultGateway.txt" | timechart avg(time)
... so in one Line Chart, it would show the data from both files.
With the following string, in Real Time, it only shows sheet1 in the Line Chart:
(host=jp) source="/home/jp/pings/targets/googledns.txt" | timechart avg(time) as sheet1 |appendcols [search (host=jp) source="/home/jp/pings/targets/defaultGateway.txt" | timechart avg(time) as sheet2]
I verified that when I change from Real Time -> 30 minute windows... to... Last 15 minutes... it shows sheet1 and sheet2.
This means that the script you provided is not for Real Time reading of data, due to it it only shows sheet1.
Could you please provide us a string that is capable to read multiple .txt files in Real Time mode?
Thank you in advance
Kind regards
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