I have a custom view with the following hierarchy :
some SideView fields
SideView Button
SideView Search
SideView Pager
SideView Table
My custom module
When I launch the search using the button, only one render module displays its results; the other one keeps waiting for data. If I launch the search again, the other one might be the one to get results. Which one gets the data seems to be random.
From Chromium's Developer tools' Network tab, I see only one render request is sent to /en-GB/module/system/Something , which is why the other one doesn't receive data.
When I remove the Pager module and keep only the Table module (and my custom module), both always render. This is because, for some reason, SideView's Table module doesn't send a render request and gets data in another way (how?).
The same behaviour is seen when using two SideView Pager modules, for example. Only one is displayed at a time. This makes me believe my custom module is not responsible for this.
If someone has any idea why this is happening, please tell me!
I use Splunk 5.0.5.
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