I have as user which is unable to build an export in Splunk Hadoop Connect; when he tries to set up an export, he gets an error: Failed to get entity object . When a user with admin role tries, it works fine, so I assume it's some specific capability missing for the user.
What he tries to do is basically:
* go to the Hadoop Connector app
* click "Build Export"
* define a search
* click "Schedule HDFS Export" button
* give the export a name, make sure an existing Hadoop cluster is selected, etc.
* receive error message
This is what I see in the HadoopConnect.log:
2016-07-13 14:10:27,664 ERROR delegating_handler.py [getEntity] [14] - Failed to get entity object
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/HadoopConnect/bin/delegating_handler.py", line 12, in getEntity
return en.getEntity(entityPath, entityName, uri=uri, namespace=self.appName, owner=self.userName, sessionKey=self.getSessionKey())
File "/opt/splunk/lib/python2.7/site-packages/splunk/entity.py", line 249, in getEntity
serverResponse, serverContent = rest.simpleRequest(uri, getargs=kwargs, sessionKey=sessionKey, raiseAllErrors=True)
File "/opt/splunk/lib/python2.7/site-packages/splunk/rest/__init__.py", line 505, in simpleRequest
raise splunk.AuthorizationFailed(extendedMessages=uri)
AuthorizationFailed: [HTTP 403] Client is not authorized to perform requested action;
Eivind Olsen
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