I have a set of web page performance measurements spanning quite some time, generated by an external monitoring provider. I want to be able to find the mean page performance after removing spikes caused by external factors out of our control, and am thinking along the lines of using a truncated mean as a best measure of central tendency but am having problems with the implementation.
Here's my thinking so far:
find all page render times for the past 7 days
order by render time
remove the top and bottom 2.5%
calculate truncated mean from remaining values
I can calculate how many values I should be removing easily, but can't work out how to actually remove them. If there's a better way, I'd love to know it!
My query string (not yet working properly) so far is:
startdaysago=7 monitorid=<foo> | eventstats count(rendertime) as nresults | eval nkeep=nresults-ceil(nresults*0.05) | sort 0 -rendertime | head nkeep
but of course head can't take a parameter that's not an integer.
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