How about this?
* | head 1
| eval str="3 days 5 hrs 40 min 11 sec"
| eval duration_in_seconds=tonumber(replace(str, ".*?(\d+) sec", "\1"))
+ 60 * coalesce(tonumber(replace(str, ".*?(\d+) min.*", "\1")), 0)
+ 3600 * coalesce(tonumber(replace(str, ".*?(\d+) hrs.*", "\1")),0)
+ 86400 * coalesce(tonumber(replace(str, ".*?(\d+) days.*", "\1")),0)
| table str,duration_in_seconds
The eval duration_... could be used in the definition of a calculated field.
The solution above may not be optimal with regard to performance, because the string has to be parsed four times.
The idea behind this was to do it in a single eval expression.
If you don't mind to create additional fields, it may be better to do it in two steps:
1st step: field extraction:
... | rex field=str "^((?<days>\d+) days )?((?<hours>\d+) hrs )?((?<minutes>\d+) min )?(?<seconds>\d+) sec"
2nd step: field calculation:
... | eval duration_in_second=if(isnull(days),0,86400*days)
+ if(isnull(hours),0,3600*hours)
+ if(isnull(minutes),0,60*minutes)
+ seconds
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