Sorry for spamming this board (or so it feels like) but I have one more question before the weekend. This may not be even possible.... but I'm working on generating a list of IP addresses and user names that use them so we can create a white list for our FTP server. I had this list completed and thought I could call it weekend...
After I sent the list over to the security folks, they requested I have the most recent date that the combination of source IP and and user name was used. When adding the date field to my counted list of results, I get (obviously), a line for every time a source IP, user name, and date are the same. Is there a way I can keep the uniqueness of the source IP and user name while having the most recent date the two were used in conjunction added to the end?
Here is the search I'm using:
index="ftp" host="host" "bPasswordOK=1" | fields user, src_ip, log_date | stats count by user, src_ip, log_date | sort -count
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