Hello. I need to calculate statistics like Avg, Count, from the past two weeks period.
What I want to do next is to check if the same measure in the days AFTER those two weeks are above it or not.
I Can't figure out if it is a join, append or something else to write... Here is what I've got:
index="pt_app_siebel" SWEMethod="ReconfigureCXProd" starttime=8/25/2013:00:00:00 latest=-24h date_wday=friday date_hour=15
| eventstats perc25(executiontime) as Q1Tempo, perc75(executiontime) as Q3Tempo
| eval lim1=Q3Tempo+3*(Q3Tempo-Q1Tempo)
| eval lim2=Q3Tempo+6*(Q3Tempo-Q1Tempo)
| eval lim3=Q3Tempo+10*(Q3Tempo-Q1Tempo)
| eval Performance=case(executiontime>lim3,"High_Alert",executiontime>lim2,"Mid_Alert",executiontime>lim1,"Low_Alert",executiontime<lim1,"OK")
| eval Low=if(executiontime>lim1 AND executiontime<lim2,1,0)
| eval Mid=if(executiontime>lim2 AND executiontime<lim3,1,0)
| eval High=if(executiontime>lim3,1,0)
| eval OutQ=if(executiontime>lim1,1,0)
| stats avg(OutQ) as AvgOut,avg(Low) as AvgLow, avg(Mid) as AvgMid,avg(High) as AvgHigh
Now I want to get those Avg and see where executiontime in the period
index="pt_app_siebel" SWEMethod="ReconfigureCXProd" starttime=9/6/2013:00:00:00 latest=now date_wday=friday date_hour=15
is going. Can you help please?
Thank you
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