I tried restarting Splunk and it still doesn't come up:
./splunk restart
Stopping splunkd...
Shutting down. Please wait, as this may take a few minutes.
.. [ OK ]
Stopping splunk helpers...
[ OK ]
Splunk> Now with more code!
Checking prerequisites...
Checking http port [8000]: open
Checking mgmt port [8089]: open
Checking appserver port []: open
Checking kvstore port [8191]: open
Checking configuration... Done.
Checking critical directories... Done
Checking indexes...
Validated: _audit _blocksignature _internal _introspection _thefishbucket history main summary
Checking filesystem compatibility... Done
Checking conf files for problems...
All preliminary checks passed.
Starting splunk server daemon (splunkd)...
[ OK ]
Waiting for web server at to be available... Done
If you get stuck, we're here to help.
Look for answers here: http://docs.splunk.com
The Splunk web interface is at http://edhlsbaod001.otprod.dstcorp.net:8000
[root@edhlsbaod001 bin]# ps -ef | grep splunkweb
root 23530 23135 0 14:22 pts/1 00:00:00 grep splunkweb
[root@edhlsbaod001 bin]# ps -ef | grep splun
root 23268 23190 0 14:21 pts/2 00:00:00 su - splunk
splunk 23270 23268 0 14:21 pts/2 00:00:00 -bash
splunk 23322 1 2 14:21 ? 00:00:01 splunkd -p 8089 restart
splunk 23323 23322 0 14:21 ? 00:00:00 [splunkd pid=23322] splunkd -p 8089 restart [process-runner]
splunk 23339 23323 0 14:21 ? 00:00:00 mongod --dbpath=/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/kvstore/mongo --port=8191 --timeStampFormat=iso8601-utc --smallfiles --oplogSize=1000 --keyFile=/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/kvstore/mongo/splunk.key --setParameter=enableLocalhostAuthBypass=0 --sslMode=preferSSL --sslPEMKeyFile=/opt/splunk/etc/auth/server.pem --sslPEMKeyPassword=xxxxxxxx
splunk 23389 23323 1 14:21 ? 00:00:01 /opt/splunk/bin/python -O /opt/splunk/lib/python2.7/site-packages/splunk/appserver/mrsparkle/root.py --proxied=,8065,8000
splunk 23439 23323 0 14:21 ? 00:00:00 /opt/splunk/bin/splunkd instrument-resource-usage -p 8089
splunk 23468 23270 0 14:21 pts/2 00:00:00 tail -f splunkd.log
root 23533 23135 0 14:22 pts/1 00:00:00 grep splun
... View more