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- Got Karma for Why does my Splunk web keep auto-refreshing?. 09-07-2021 05:10 AM
- Got Karma for Why does my Splunk web keep auto-refreshing?. 06-05-2020 12:49 AM
- Got Karma for Why does my Splunk web keep auto-refreshing?. 06-05-2020 12:49 AM
- Got Karma for Why does my Splunk web keep auto-refreshing?. 06-05-2020 12:49 AM
- Posted Re: Why does my Splunk web keep auto-refreshing? on Splunk Cloud Platform. 08-27-2018 03:48 PM
- Posted Re: Why does my Splunk web keep auto-refreshing? on Splunk Cloud Platform. 08-27-2018 03:17 PM
- Posted Why does my Splunk web keep auto-refreshing? on Splunk Cloud Platform. 08-27-2018 02:53 PM
- Tagged Why does my Splunk web keep auto-refreshing? on Splunk Cloud Platform. 08-27-2018 02:53 PM
- Tagged Why does my Splunk web keep auto-refreshing? on Splunk Cloud Platform. 08-27-2018 02:53 PM
- Posted Configure Splunk Add on for AWS, 'Description (Metadata) inputs' in AWS multiple accounts scenario on All Apps and Add-ons. 06-08-2018 03:16 PM
- Tagged Configure Splunk Add on for AWS, 'Description (Metadata) inputs' in AWS multiple accounts scenario on All Apps and Add-ons. 06-08-2018 03:16 PM
- Tagged Configure Splunk Add on for AWS, 'Description (Metadata) inputs' in AWS multiple accounts scenario on All Apps and Add-ons. 06-08-2018 03:16 PM
Topics I've Started
03:48 PM
I did some google searching and had come across this post. That post talks about custom dashboard. I notice this behavior on default Splunk dashboards/pages as well
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03:17 PM
Thanks for the comment. I do not experience this behavior for other sites Also my team mates has same experience on his laptop and browser.
I have another Splunk Instance (similar config but used for staging/test with few events). This one seems fine.
Also if it helps, auto refreshing is aggressive initially when page is loading to calms down as the page gets loaded in few minutes.
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02:53 PM
4 Karma
Has anyone experienced continuous automatic refreshing of Splunk (web console) dashboard or apps including searching.
When I visit Splunk console and try to navigate to any app or dashboard or even management console. It keeps refreshing every 2/3 seconds. I started noticing this behavior suddenly. I tried following
Restart Splunk
Restart VM
Verify CPU/Disk/Network usage, all seems within acceptable range in fact way under control
Splunk deployment
Single Node on big vertically scaled instance (32GB RAM, 8vCPU cores)
Splunk v7.0.4 on linux x64 Apps
Splunk App for AWS, AWS add on
Daily ingestion ~35GB
Browser - Chrome
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03:16 PM
I am using Splunk App for AWS 5.1.1, Splunk Add on for AWS 4.5.0, Splunk Enterprise 7.0.4 hosted in AWS environment
I had few questions here
1) Firstly just to confirm 'Metadata input for the Splunk App for AWS'' is same thing as 'Description inputs for the Splunk Add-on for AWS'.
Basically, it going to do Get*/Describe*,List* on following resources ec2_volumes, ec2_instances, ec2_reserved_instances, ebs_snapshots, elastic_load_balancers, vpcs, vpc_network_acls, cloudfront_distributions, vpc_subnets, rds_instances, ec2_key_pairs, ec2_security_groups, s3_buckets . This information is used by Splunk App for AWS to provide more insights
Is my understanding correct?
2) I have Splunk installed in separate AWS account. This is EC2 role based. I want to get 'Description (Metadata) inputs' from 100's of other AWS accounts I have.
To configure this scenario, I have to add role in each account with policy as described here. This role will be assumed by Splunk instance to collect data.
Now, on Splunk side, in Splunk Add on for AWS, I have to add this IAM role.
As per Splunk documentation under 'Manage IAM roles'
Under the Configuration menu, you manage AWS IAM roles that can be assumed by IAM accounts for the Splunk Add-on for AWS to access the following AWS resources: Description, CloudWatch, Kinesis etc
Note: Configuring roles by directly editing splunk_ta_aws_iam_roles.conf is not supported. Use the add-on's Configuration menu in Splunk Web to manage IAM roles. You cannot edit or delete EC2 IAM roles from the add-on.
So how can I add role information of 100's of AWS accounts that I wish Splunk Add on to get 'Description Inputs' from? Manually adding this through Spunk Web won't be scalable process.
Is anyone in similar scenarion? Any advice to share here?
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